Friday, July 27, 2012

trying to work through the pain

Okay I'm not sick like a lot of people in pain.  I just have a bad sinus headache.  Any of you who have had them understand.  You try to concentrate and all you can do is wince.  I got some writing done, blogged a bit and answered questions on discussion groups.  Made some tarts for dinner tonight and started up the sweet potatoes for my killer SP rolls.

Now to come up with title ideas for the erotica stories.  Yes I will publish the 20 odd I don't think are too porn.  They need some editing to make them better and then I think if I group them into five books of 4 stories each they can be sold.  Coming up with titles.  My downfall.  Now I like Pleasant moments, Naughty Interludes, Nasty intimacies and what ever I can figure out. 

Heck I could do a book or a dozen of my poems.  Heart's desires, Soul's Torment, etc etc.  They might sell, they might not. Okay my mind is coming up with title ideas all of a sudden.  The title of one of my blog pages, Windows of my mind...but who knows.  Flowers of a city field?  Who knows.

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