Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time to pull out another hobby

With Fall upon us I usually start making warm things.  Every year I try to make hats and mittens for the family, friends and to donate to a charity at my daughter's school.  It is one thing that I can do to help people.  It is especially easy because thanks to my MIL's legacy I have boxes and boxes of yarn to use up.

But this year instead of starting with things like these

I have decided to start with a new afghan.  Ever since I broke my wrist days after moving to Canada I have been using crocheting as a strengthening exercise for my wrist.  The twisting you do while crocheting is actually a better exercise than what the therapists give you.  Now I have made quite a few simple afghans since I started.  As I don't use a pattern I get some odd projects.

Now all of these images but one show the completed afghans.  The multi colored green one is much larger in its finished form.  It stretches across our full side bed.  The fourth picture is an afghan i finished for my brother in law for him to take home with him to Australia.  I am hoping he got to enjoy it before he passed away a few months later.  It was from pieces made by his mother before her passing and his grandmother.  You can't see the different textures they put into those squares but I am enjoying the last one that is currently on my couch. 

Afghans are great for those times when you are sitting on the couch and are just a touch chilly.  Later September in Canada can be brisk at times.  My online friends from the deep south might complain that the temps have dipped into the 60s but really that is just a comfy level for me.  This morning we were below 40 (or 2 C for those of you outside the US)  I find being curled up with an afghan as I work on squares for a new one is a great thing.  Just add in a good movie and a warm cup of chai and you have a really relaxing day.  I will post up the the mixed up afghan that my daughter has requested once I get more squares done.

It will be a simple single crochet afghan done in varied yarn.  Her idea of color mixing is interesting and it should be done by the end of the week if i am not interrupted too often.  It doesn't take long to do an afghan but I am not one of those who can spend all day doing the same thing.  I take long breaks to do stuff like blog, read, write, edit and of course take care of the house and family.

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